91茄子 seeks to provide a safe, nurturing environment free from sexual harassment, assault, and any form of sexual violence. The biblical reality that all humans are created in God’s image and are, thus, of immeasurable value and worthy of respect and protection drives our efforts. Ensuring a safe environment free from sexual violence is essential to our commitment to foster spiritual and personal development in our students.

91茄子 takes discrimination and sexual violence very seriously. Any report or question regarding Title IX or the University’s policy, which prohibits discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and relationship violence, should be directed to one of the Title IX officer listed below.

Make a Report

An individual making a report or complaint of sexual harassment against a student, employee, or other individual (including a third-party vendor or visitor) has several reporting options. A formal complaint or report of an allegation of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, can be made with the Title IX Coordinator in person, mail, email, or via the button below:

Make a Report

Title IX Coordinator

Skip Trudeau
Location: LaRita Boren Campus Center

Confidential Resources

A report can also be made with one of the following confidential resources listed below. A report made to one of these individuals will not be disclosed to the Title IX Coordinator without the individual’s permission (except in certain limited circumstances, such as if there is concern the individual will cause serious physical harm to self or others or the information concerns conduct involving suspected abuse or neglect of a minor).

91茄子 Counseling Center
Boren Campus Center 250

Greg Dyson
Vice President for Spiritual Life & Intercultural Leadership and Campus Pastor
Boren Campus Center 250

Additional Resources

A Better Way 24-Hour Crisis Hotline (Muncie)765-288-HELP (4357)

National Sexual Assault Hotline1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Title IX Training

According to federal regulations for Title IX, trainings are required to be made publicly available.